KUALA LUMPUR, June 28 — Google has rolled out a new functionality for its Google Wallet service, enabling users to store and use hotel keys directly from their Android devices. Similar to Apple Wallet’s earlier adoption of this feature in 2021, Google Wallet now supports digital hotel keys, enhancing convenience for travelers worldwide.

According to updated support pages, adding a hotel key to Google Wallet is straightforward: users can follow instructions from their hotel’s website, app, or email to integrate the key into their digital wallet. Once added, users can unlock their hotel rooms and access key card-protected areas like gyms and pools by simply holding their NFC-enabled Android device near the door handle, eliminating the need for physical keys.

Currently, only a select few hotels, including the Clarion Hotel Post in Gothenburg, Sweden, have implemented support for Google Wallet’s hotel key feature. As Google continues to collaborate with more hotel chains, travelers can expect wider availability of this convenient new capability in the near future.

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